Kentucky Regulations
Board and Commissions/Board of Pharmacy

KASPER Tips: KASPER Record Correction

Russ Robbins

Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services

This Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting (KASPER) tip provides guidance to prescribers and dispensers who report administered or dispensed controlled substance data to the KASPER Data Collection System, on how to correct records that have been submitted in error or that contain errors. Please remember that upon notification of information that was reported to KASPER and confirmation that the data contained errors, you have seven (7) days to correct the data as specified in 902 KAR 55:110 Section 8.

KASPER record correction depends upon the method used to upload the controlled substance prescription data.

If you manually enter your prescription data using the Prescription Data Entry Form (PDEF):

You can log into your KASPER uploader account KASPER Data Collection System ( and use the (PDEF) to make the record correction. If you need assistance using the PDEF, contact the eKASPER Help Desk at 502-564-2703.

If your software vendor or another 3rd party uploads prescription data to KASPER on your behalf:

If your software vendor or other 3rd party uploads your data, you may not have a KASPER uploader account. Even though you use a third party to upload your data, you can still register with KASPER and get an upload account that will allow you to use the PDEF to correct records in error. You will continue to upload your daily files through your vendor, but the KASPER uploader account will enable you to log into the KASPER Data Collection System and take advantage of the PDEF to make a small number of changes that might otherwise be difficult to coordinate through your software vendor. If you need assistance using the PDEF, contact the eKASPER Help Desk at 502-564-2703. You may also wish to contact your software vendor to determine if their software provides a feature for submitting corrections. NOTE: If making revisions using PDEF, don’t forget to update in your software system to reflect change at your pharmacy

If your pharmacy is part of a chain that uploads your prescription data at the corporate level:

If the prescription data for your pharmacy is uploaded at a corporate level, the corporate office will need to make the corrections. You will need to contact your corporate office and follow their data correction procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. An error on a prescription previously submitted to KASPER has been brought to our attention, but it is several months old. Does it matter if we correct the error?

Answer: Yes, you must correct the error. Failure to submit a correction to KASPER is a violation of in 902 KAR 55:110 Section 8.

2. How do I change the prescriber on a prescription that has already been submitted to KASPER?

Answer: To correct inaccurate prescriber information you should follow the correction process identified above that corresponds to the method you use to upload data. If you have a KASPER uploader account go to the KASPER Data Collection System website KASPER Data Collection System (, log in with the same username/password you normally use to upload to KASPER and select Rx Data Entry Form. This will display the PDEF and allow you to enter the corrected prescriber information. Be sure to click the “REVISE” box at the bottom before clicking on “SUBMIT.”

3. I made a correction on a prescription that had already been transmitted to KASPER, but now we have a duplicate showing on the patient’s KASPER report. How do we delete the duplicate prescription?

Answer: To delete a duplicate prescription record log in to your KASPER uploader account and select Rx Data Entry Form. Enter the information for the prescription to be deleted exactly as it was originally entered. Be sure to click the “VOID” box at the bottom before clicking on “SUBMIT.”

4. We made a correction in our pharmacy software system on a prescription that had already been transmitted to KASPER. The prescription is now correct in our system, but is still incorrect on the patient’s KASPER report. Why does KASPER not reflect the corrected data?

Answer: When a correction is made through your pharmacy software system to a prescription that has previously been uploaded to KASPER, the REVISED record must still be sent to KASPER. Unfortunately, some pharmacy software systems do not do this automatically. Contact your software vendor and ask how their process works. If the software does not automatically send a REVISION record when changes are made, the revised record will have to be submitted manually using the PDEF as described above.

5. We need to revise a prescription record with errors, but the error is one of the key fields (Rx number, date filled, National Drug Code (NDC) number, or Dispenser DEA number). How do we proceed?

Answer: The American Society for Automation in Pharmacy (ASAP) standard used for reporting data to KASPER uses these four pieces of information as key indices and therefore they cannot be changed. In this situation, you must VOID the original record and submit a NEW record with the correct information to take its place. This can be done by logging in to your KASPER uploader account and using the PDEF form to submit the void record and the new record.

6. When should prescription data be transmitted to KASPER – within one day of when the prescription is filled or within one day of when it is picked up?

This is software dependent based upon the pharmacy software system in use. Most systems upload the data when the prescription is filled, while others report when the prescription is actually dispensed. Either method is compliant with the KASPER reporting requirement. You may want to contact your software vendor for more information.

7. If I submit the same prescription number twice in one day, will both records be accepted or will one record be rejected as a duplicate? What if they are for different quantities (e.g., 80 on one fill and 20 on the other because the payment was split between insurance and cash payment)?

Answer: KASPER has duplicate record checks. Once the first prescription is loaded, the second will be identified as a duplicate and rejected if all of the information is exactly the same. If the quantities are different, both records will be accepted. Partial fills should be marked as such. The current ASAP standard has a field that identifies partial fills. Contact your software vendor if you have questions about how your software handles partial fills.

8. I filled a prescription but almost two weeks have passed and I do not believe the patient will pick up the prescription. Should I delete the prescription record?

Answer: Yes, when you believe the patient will not pick up a previously filled prescription, you need to delete the record. To delete a prescription record that was reported to KASPER when filled, but not picked up by the patient, log in to your KASPER uploader account and select Rx Data Entry Form. Enter the information for the prescription to be deleted exactly as it was originally entered. Be sure to click the “VOID” box at the bottom before clicking on “SUBMIT.” Please remember that failure to VOID a prescription that was not picked up by a patient creates an inaccurate KASPER report that can have an adverse effect on the patient’s care.

9. I filled a prescription using the DEA number in our system for the prescriber who issued the prescription, but on the patient’s KASPER report the name of the prescriber is different. Since the prescriber name is different in KASPER from the prescriber name in my pharmacy software system, do I need to do anything?

KASPER reports are based on the information reported by the pharmacy, including the DEA number reported by the pharmacy for the prescriber. The KASPER system uses the prescriber DEA number reported by the dispenser to identify the prescriber name based on a DEA number cross reference table provided by the DEA and updated weekly within KASPER. In this case, the prescription record specified a prescriber DEA number that was matched against the KASPER DEA cross reference table that returned a different prescriber name. In most of these situations, the DEA number in the pharmacy system is linked to the wrong prescriber. The pharmacy should correct the error in their software system and correct all prescription records that have been transmitted to KASPER with this error. KASPER staff cannot make this correction. If after checking your pharmacy software system, you still cannot explain the DEA number/prescriber name mismatch, contact your software vendor or other technical support team for further investigation. If you discover a large number of prescription records need to be corrected, please contact the KASPER business office at 502-564-7985 before making the changes.

10. On some KASPER reports, a number is reported in place of the prescriber’s name and/or the drug name. What causes this to occur?

Answer: As discussed above, prescription data sent to KASPER contains the prescriber’s DEA number not the prescriber’s name. The KASPER system uses the DEA number and DEA cross reference table to identify the prescriber’s name for the reports. If KASPER cannot find a match for the DEA number, it will report the DEA number in place of a name. In these situations, please verify with the prescriber that you are using their correct DEA number in your system.

The same is true for drug names. Dispensers report the National Drug Code (NDC) number to KASPER. The KASPER system compares the NDC number with our master drug database, and if no match is found the KASPER report will show the NDC number that was in the prescription record. Please verify that you are using the correct drug NDC number.